Bob's Burgers: Summer

Bob's Burgers: Summer

May 17, 2016

"Lobsterfest" Season 1, Episode 12

So, this episode isn't out and out set in summer. However, between the hurricane and the lobsterfest, it definitely has pieces of summer scattered throughout. In this episode, the town's annual Lobsterfest is cancelled due to bad weather. Bob hates Lobsterfest, due to his lobster allergy, and decides to stay open and throw a party at the restaurant to celebrate the cancellation. While the party rages on, the hurricane misses them and Lobsterfest is back on. There is also a side plot about the kids trying to secretly eat a lobster since Bob never lets them. As I said, this episode isn't actually set in summer, but if you're from an area that celebrates lobster, it'll definitely give you some summer vibes.  

Netflix available? No

Hulu available? Yes

Xfinity available? Yes, for a fee

Holiday rating: Five surfboards

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