How I Met Your Mother: Halloween

How I Met Your Mother: Halloween

October 10, 2016

“Canning Randy” Season 6, Episode 7

This episode takes place during Halloween, but the holiday is not the primary focus. This episode begins with Ted teaching an architecture class on Halloween. His class adores him, but when Zoey tells them Ted is tearing down the Arcadian, a historic building that is in disrepair, they all begin to hate him and protest his building. Meanwhile, Marshall struggles with firing his highly inept co-worker, Randy. Even though he knows Randy is terrible at his job, he doesn’t have the heart to let him go. Robin begins to feel overshadowed by her co-host, Becky, and does an embarrassing commercial to try to increase her fame. The episode does contain a Halloween party and Robin does the after Halloween walk of shame from her commercial, but the episode is more plot-driven than themed. I’d say if you’re not familiar with the show, this is an episode you can skip.

Netflix available? Yes

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? No

Holiday rating: 6 pumpkins

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How I Met Your Mother: Halloween

How I Met Your Mother: Halloween