New Girl: Thanksgiving

New Girl: Thanksgiving

November 19, 2017

"Thanksgiving III" Season 3, Episode 10

Okay, so as I said in my review of the season two thanksgiving episode, this is tied as my favorite New Girl Thanksgiving episode. I think as an actual episode of the show I like this episode better, but as a thanksgiving episode I probably prefer season two because it's a little more seasonal. In this episode, Coach teases Nick about losing his masculinity in his relationship with Jess, which leads Nick to spearhead a crazy idea: camping thanksgiving. The group reluctantly agrees to spend the holiday "living off the land". Winston and Cece are less thank thrilled and Jess is just trying to make the best of it. Meanwhile, Coach and Schmidt are competing in their survival abilities in order to impress Cece. The episode hilariously culminates in Jess eating a fish to make Nick feel like a good provider and getting horribly ill. It may not sound funny, but trust me it is. This may not be a traditional Thanksgiving episode but it's one I seem to come back to every year for some holiday laughs.

Netflix available? Yes

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? No

Holiday rating: 6 turkeys

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New Girl: Thanksgiving