The Simpsons: Halloween

The Simpsons: Halloween

October 28, 2017

“Treehouse of Horror XXVIII” Season 29, Episode 4

So as of this writing, this is the most recent Treehouse of Horror episode, and I have to say also one of the best in recent years. All three shorts are funny, evocative of Halloween, and creative. The first short is a spoof of The Exorcist, where Maggie is possessed by a demon and the family must bring in a priest to save her soul. The middle segment is a spoof of one of my favorite movies, Coraline. Lisa is feeling ignored by her family, until Snowball shows her the path to an alternate reality where her family loves her and cares about her interests. The third short finds Homer staying home alone while his family is away visiting Patty and Selma. While grilling he accidentally cuts off his finger and decides to eat it. This leads to a spiraling addiction to eating his own flesh. This episode is hilarious and creative and I think it makes for a great Halloween watch. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Netflix available? No

Hulu available? Yes

Xfinity available? Yes

Holiday rating: 9 pumpkins

Halloween (1978): Halloween

Halloween (1978): Halloween

Spooky Buddies (2011): Halloween

Spooky Buddies (2011): Halloween