The Office: Halloween

The Office: Halloween

October 20, 2017

"Costume Contest" Season 7, Episode 6

The employees at Dunder Mifflin is excited about their annual costume contest because the prize is a coupon book. Meanwhile, Michael is hurt that Daryl took a business idea he had to Gabe and corporate, seeing it as going over his head. Danny, the new salesman, is throwing a Halloween party and everyone is worried it will be awkward because he and Pam casually dated before she and Jim got together. While this episode is plot focused, it is also incredibly themed, with almost everyone (looking at you Jim) dressed up in awesome costumes. The costumes are great, the decorations are spooky and it's light and fun. This is exactly what office halloween parties should be. Watch this one to get ready for yours or if you wish your office was a little more into the holiday. Also Gabe dressed as Lady Gaga is the best costume I've ever seen in my entire life.

Netflix available? Yes

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? No

Holiday rating: 7 pumpkins

The Office: Halloween

The Office: Halloween

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