Friends: Halloween

Friends: Halloween

October 28, 2017

“The One with the Halloween Party” Season 8, Episode 6

In this episode, Monica and Chandler throw a Halloween party. Monica gets Chandler a bunny costume that was supposed to be brown but ends up being pink. However, once Ross arrives, Chandler feels less embarrassed about his outfit. Ross goes as “spud-nik,” a potato satellite.  Phoebe and Monica begin to debate who is tougher, Chandler or Ross. This argument leads to an arm-wrestling contest between the two.

Meanwhile, Rachel is trying to learn how to interact with children but quickly learns that it is not coming natural to her. This episode is silly, and honestly, it’s kind of just a typical episode. Not that that’s a bad thing, I love the show, but if you took them out of costume, the episode could remain pretty similar. So while it’s definitely Halloween themed because of the party and costumes and Rachel handing out candy, the actual plot isn’t all too themed. That being said, I think the ambiance alone makes this a great watch for Halloween night.

Netflix available? Yes

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? No

Holiday rating: 8 pumpkins

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