Monsters University (2013): Back to School
August 28, 2016
So I know this movie didn't take off the way say Frozen did and it may not be as great as some more recent Disney Pixar films, butI absolutely adore this movie. It may be because I was involved in Greek Life and my sorority was kind of the loser sorority so I relate strongly to Oozma Kappa, but I think this movie is original and clever and cute. I mean, Disney movies aren't usually set in a college environment, let alone a Greek life party environment. I also like the messages that you don't always need to go to college to be successful and that you can go back to school at any age. Either way, this movie always makes me long for school. I definitely recommend watching this to get you in the college spirit!
Netflix available? No
Hulu available? No
Xfinity available? Yes, for a fee
Holiday rating: 9 backpacks