Grease (1978): Back to School

Grease (1978): Back to School

August 28, 2016

I doubt this movie needs any review, explanation, or introduction. This is a classic that everyone has seen or at least knows a lot of songs from. Grease is a classic musical from the 70's set in the 50's with John Travolta at his peak. It follows a couple through their high school drama and breaking through stereotypes for love (but you know, in the end Sandy changes herself so she can please Danny, so not really). This movie is a classic back to school film because so much of it is set at the high school. So if you're itching to romanticize high school and the past, this is the back to school movie for you. I believe Netflix has Grease Live as well. I haven't actually watched it, but I did see Grease on Broadway and I have to say the only time I really enjoy Grease is in movie form.

Netflix available? Yes

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? Yes, for a fee

Holiday rating: 6 backpacks

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