The Simpsons: Halloween

The Simpsons: Halloween

October 26, 2017

“Halloween of Horror” Season 27, Episode 4

This is the first Simpsons Halloween episode not to be a Treehouse of Horror episode and to feature a canon story. In this episode, Homer takes Bart and Lisa to Krustyland Halloween Horror Night. Lisa turns out to be too scared and becomes increasingly frightened of Halloween and the world around her. To try to make her feel better, Homer and Marge take away all traces of Halloween but are disappointed when Lisa rediscovers an old comfort item, Taily. Marge takes Bart out to go trick or treating while Homer stays home with Lisa. While trying to comfort her, Homer realizes that some guys he has beef with have broken into their house, and they are actually in danger. Homer is trying to keep Lisa safe while also trying not to scare her any further. This episode is FANTASTIC. While I like the fun Halloween cheesiness of some of the older Treehouse of Horror episodes are, this episode has heart, atmosphere and is beautifully animated. Honestly, I think this is a can’t miss Halloween episode and Simpsons episode that everyone should watch to get in the holiday spirit.

Netflix available? No

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? Yes

Holiday rating: 10 pumpkins

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