The Simpsons: Halloween

The Simpsons: Halloween

October 1, 2017

"Treehouse of Horror" Season 2, Episode 3

Buckle up, friends, we've got a long ride ahead of us. There are so many of these, and I'm watching every single one because I'm an adult and I can. And they're all free on Xfinity right now so why not. The treehouse of horror episodes all contain three scary shorts. This episode contains "Bad Dream House", "Hungry are the Damned", and "The Raven". The first is not a direct parody of Poltergeist but has a similar plot. The Simpson family moves into a haunted house and strange happenings begin. This one isn't my favorite, but to be fair, when this aired I don't think Poltergeist spoofs had been done to death. "Hungry are the Damned" finds the Simpsons being abducted by aliens. The claim they are taking them away to paradise, but Lisa begins to suspect they have other plans. I enjoy this one, it kind of plays on the "To Serve Man" episode of the Twilight Zone. The last short is a retelling of the Raven with the Simpsons playing the characters. For me this one is honestly pretty skippable. I think it's cool to see where this show started, but out of all the Treehouse of Horror episodes, this one is one of the weaker ones.

Netflix available? No

Hulu available?  No

Xfinity available? Yes

Holiday rating: 10 pumpkins

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