Modern Family: Halloween

Modern Family: Halloween

October 27, 2017

“Halloween 3: Awesomeland” Season 6, Episode 6

Halloween 3: Awesomeland is the third modern family Halloween special, and it’s great because it plays on some of the past themes while also involving new characters. Phil is decorating the house as Awesomeland, a happy place with nothing scary. Claire is miserable because she misses being scary. When their new neighbors start a scary house contest, Claire can’t help but partake, which infuriates Phil. Meanwhile, Jay’s costume involves a wig, which makes him consider getting hair plugs because he likes how he looks with a full head of hair. My favorite part of this episode, though, involves Cam and Lily. Lily dresses up as Waldo from Where’s Waldo, and Cam goes with her to school for the costume parade. The problem is his job is getting in the way of him participating, and Lily starts to get bitter. I don’t want to reveal the joke, but I promise it’s hilarious. I recommend putting this episode on your Halloween watchlist.

Netflix available? No

Hulu available? No

Xfinity available? No

Holiday rating: 9 pumpkins

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Spooky Buddies (2011): Halloween

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